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Christian Education 

& Sunday School

From Beth:

Are you too cool for Sunday School?

6 Reasons why Sunday School is Important:

1. Sunday School improves  knowledge of the Bible: Children, youth, and adults need opportunities for discovery, review, and interaction as they study God's principles.

2. Sunday School improves spiritual growth: Loving God with our mind is taking biblical truths and relating them to our lives.

3. Sunday School provides a place to belong: Regularly meeting with a committed group of believers allows us to reinforce the core of what we believe so we can live it out, learn more about God, and maintain the strength to serve others.

4. Sunday School helps build meaningful relationships: it's in the small group structure of Sunday School that we connect with people who become the "glue" that ties us to the parish community.

5. Sunday School gives you opportunities to serve and minister: Few ministries offer as many opportunities for service within one setting (e.g., teacher, assistant teacher, outreach leader, discipleship leader, care group leader, prayer leader, greeter, refreshment coordinator, etc.). A well-designed Sunday School class can offer as many roles as the number of people who attend.

6. Sunday School is for the whole family:  Where else are you able to meet the needs of the whole family in one hour? When we are growing as a family and learning about biblical truth together, we may build our faith, relationships and our commitment to service.




Children gather for Godly Play from 9:45 to 10:00 am in Wilson Hall. Godly Play starts right at 10:00. Children will join their parents before communion begins.

Youth group Children's trust Fund windmi


Youth Group meets every other week at 5 pm on Sunday afternoons, beginning with a shared meal .  Check the calendar (Home page) for dates.

Brandon and Keeley Kingsbury 8.26.2016.j



Between the services, adults meet from 9:15 to 10:00 AM in Guild Room.

Also, you are welcomed to Bible study at 10:15 AM on Monday mornings.

Watch for other groups.



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