The Cathedral of The Episcopal Diocese
of Montana
Our Worship Centers On God’s Saving Grace
Through The Person Of Jesus Christ

Have you ever wondered what we are really doing each Sunday when we come to worship? Our liturgical form of worship has a specific purpose. Through each part of our worship we, with intention, move closer and closer to God in order to come into communion with God.

St. Peter's Cathedral is a community of faith that seeks to follow Christ and His teaching and example as we share the gift of God’s profound Love with all whom we know and encounter. We are a family that finds great joy in being with God and each other. Our members are deeply committed to the growth and development of God’s mission at St. Peter's.
At St. Peter's there is tremendous caring and concern for all of God’s children and we strive to live that out within, and through, our wonderful congregation as we worship, learn, and socialize together.
We continually seek to learn about Christ and look for ways to become more like Him every day. Closeness to God, meaningful involvement in church life, feeling a sense of belonging in the church family, and a desire to put God's love into action are the most important values we share. Lay and clergy work together closely to plan and carry out goals for ministry within the church and in the surrounding community.
We Episcopalians believe in a loving and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Thanks to Sara Johnson for pictures
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"For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth, over and around us lies,
Christ our God, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise."
#416, The Hymnal 1982